Teacher Preparation
Recommendations for Teacher Preparation in Alliance Member Schools
As an institution or individual, the Alliance would like to support you in your search for a teacher preparation program by offering this outline as a guide and reference. As part of the Alliance full member designation, we ask that a significant majority of faculty have gone through a Waldorf teacher preparation program. This will help you determine if the programming you are participating in meets these guidelines.
A listing by the Alliance is for information only and does not imply recommendation or endorsement. We encourage school leaders and teachers to fully research offerings before enrollment to ensure they align with their goals and needs. We recommend that you research familiarity with the unique needs and demands of Public Waldorf education. This is particularly important if public funds are used for professional development or teacher preparation.
Major Areas of Teacher Preparation
The Pedagogical Committee of the Alliance has identified the eight major areas below that are considered essential components of any teacher preparation program for teachers in an Alliance member school. Effective preparation is aligned with the Core Principles of Public Waldorf education, with Fieldwork as the ninth component.
Anthroposophy in context of modern thought
Rudolf Steiner’s life and works
History and Philosophy of education
Models of child development
Phases of child development
Developmentally appropriate education
Role of the arts
Teacher as artist
Arts curriculum
Independent reading and study
Research methodologies
Independent project/capstone/action research/ thesis (ideally linked to practice)
Teaching Presence: inner development, mindfulness, presence
Arts for (inner) self-development
Social, collegial and group work
School governance and organization
Contemporary issues in education
Diversity and multi-cultural perspectives
Equity and social justice
Professional responsibilities, rights, and expectations
School structure and culture
Media Literacy and Technology Ethics
Child Study
Archetypes and polarities
Trauma-informed education
Educational support – including remedial work
Special education/special needs
Early childhood, Grades and High School curriculum
Main lesson scope and sequence
Special subjects (arts, languages, crafts, movement, etc.)
Multi-cultural adaptations
Technology in the classroom
Classroom management
Planning and record keeping
Foundation Studies
A common feature of traditional Waldorf teacher preparation programs, this is not specified as a stand-alone requirement, although its important role is acknowledged.
Typical options for fulfillment include but are not limited to:
Applicants demonstrate prior study and knowledge of Steiner’s work and artistic activity;
Program offers coursework in fundamentals of anthroposophy;
Equivalent foundation studies subjects are woven throughout the program if not taught separately.
Recommended guide: 100 hours
Teacher Education
Core components are embedded in the following areas:
Inner work and self-development, 10-15% of total program (may be partly covered in “foundation” studies)
Human/child development, 10-25% of total program
Pedagogical development/art of teaching, 25-40% of total program
Social/organizational/administrative aspects, 15-25% of total program
Arts and teacher as artist, 10-15%
Additional topics (e.g. assessment, Child Study, trauma-informed education, educational support, archetypes and polarities, 8-15%
Independent research, e.g. capstone or another project, 5-16%
Recommended guide: 400-500 hours
Field Experience: Pre-service
(trainee teachers with no prior training or teaching experience)
12 weeks to 2 full semesters (standard in many conventional teacher education programs):
Programs are responsible for ensuring that placements take place with an experienced, trained Waldorf teacher in an established school.
Combination of observing (class and child), assisting, participating in the full life of the school, solo teaching, mentoring.
Must include experience in an Alliance member school.
Field Experience: In-service
(students with prior non-Waldorf teacher training and teaching experience)
6 weeks to a semester.
May be fulfilled though traditional, internship, or apprenticeship models.
Includes observations in a range of grades;
On-site mentoring by master teacher;
Observations, mentoring and coaching from program.
Demonstrate participation in full life of school.
Supported by seminar, practice-based classes (can be online).
Resources and Texts
The selection of resources is the responsibility of each program. Resources and texts must include core knowledge, demonstrate an understanding of contemporary issues in education, the needs of teachers, students, and schools, and an awareness of requirements of public education.
Mentoring, Evaluation, and Professional Development
These are essential elements for effective teacher preparation.
For trainees, mentoring is a shared responsibility of the host school (must be able to provide an experienced supervising teacher) and program (must be able to provide observation, mentoring, coaching, and evaluation).
Evaluation must include feedback on the placement from the supervising teacher plus program-based evaluation.
Mentoring and support are essential during the first years of teaching; this is a responsibility of schools. Ongoing professional development is an expectation. It is anticipated that this may be achieved through a combination of on-site faculty study, workshops and conferences, and summer enrichment or certificate courses.
Many years of experience demonstrate that development of a teacher continues well beyond completion of any certificate or qualification. Any preparation program is inevitably introductory in many areas. New teachers continue to develop their skills in the classroom and need support in order to do so.
Ongoing professional development and support are essential to the deepening of teaching.